Rogue One: A Star Wars Story parents guide

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Parent Guide

Older audiences, whether they are fans or just casual viewers, are likely to walk away happy from this movie that combines amazing special effects with a strong storyline.

Overall A-

The Star Wars Universe is the setting for this stand-alone tale that follows a new set of characters. Felicity Jones plays Jyn Erso, a member of The Rebellion who takes part in the covert operation to steal the plans to the Death Star.

Release date December 16, 2016

Violence C-
Sexual Content A
Profanity A
Substance Use A

Why is Rogue One: A Star Wars Story rated PG-13? The MPAA rated Rogue One: A Star Wars Story PG-13 for extended sequences of sci-fi violence and action.

Run Time: 133 minutes

Official Movie Site

Parent Movie Review

On May 25th, 1977, the very first Star Wars movie appeared in theaters. It quickly attained huge box office returns and fan applause. In the 28 years following, another 5 films were added to the franchise, and each met with financial success. In late 2012, Lucasfilm, as well as the rights to nearly all things Star Wars were purchased by Disney. With its money-making record, it only makes sense that the new owner would want to crank out more movies. So, in 2015 the studio premièred Star Wars: The Force Awakens and is on track to release other Star Wars productions every year for the foreseeable future. (A little trivia: 20th Century Fox still owns that first Star Wars movie.)

Rogue One is the first of a new breed. Instead of being another “episode” (like all previous films have been), this one is a “Star Wars Story” – meaning it is a stand-alone tale based in the same universe, but looking at the galaxy from another point of view, and following events and characters not covered in the past. This script fits into the timeline just before Episode IV: A New Hope. It explains how the Rebel Alliance, with the help of a young woman named Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones), got hold of plans to the Empire’s new super weapon, The Death Star.

With so many long-time fans (myself included), it is easy to understand why some are fearful this different direction may not do justice to the classics. Those worries will be removed as soon as they see Rogue One. Surpassing my expectations, this adventure provides amazing visuals and exciting action, some surprisingly funny characters and moments, as well as a profound storyline with depth and development that we haven’t seen from this series in a long time. The moral dilemmas of war are explored in a thought-provoking way as we see characters struggle to understand if their cause justifies their means. The Rebel Alliance occasionally engages in less than heroic deeds, and extremists break away because they feel the larger group is not being aggressive enough. I found myself realizing that characters are not given the luxury of simply choosing the light or the dark side. Rather they find themselves in a lot of grey space, wondering who and what is truly good or truly evil.

Previous Star Wars films have been criticized for characters that are not relatable or even likeable, and special effects that were often more important than the plot. Fortunately, that is not the case this time. I had no trouble bonding to this band of rebels and caring about them in a real way. Despite living in a far-away sci-fi galaxy, I could appreciate their wrestles with trust issues, family, and even faith as they attempt to find hope in a dark situation.

Parents should be aware that this foray feels a bit more violent than former jaunts in this universe. Although lots of the action is bloodless like before, what makes it slightly more disturbing is that we see the “good guys” do some not-so-good things in the name of their cause. For instance, sequences depict a storm trooper’s body being held up as a shield, an unarmed man shot in the back at point blank, the torture of a suspicious pilot to get information, and an unarmed enemy soldier fired at while attempting to get to his feet. The “bad guys” certainly do their fair share of killing too, including shooting a woman in front of her husband and daughter. The realistic natures of these acts may make this space romp unsuitable for youngsters.

Older audiences, whether they are Star Wars geeks or just casual viewers, are likely to walk away happy from this movie. With incredible special effects backed up by a powerful story, and with an emotional connection to the characters, Rogue One has set the bar high for future productions. I am look forward to seeing if the filmmakers can do it again next time.

Directed by Gareth Edwards. Starring Felicity Jones, Ben Mendelsohn, Forrest Whitaker.. Running time: 133 minutes. Theatrical release December 16, 2016. Updated

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Rating & Content Info

Why is Rogue One: A Star Wars Story rated PG-13? Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is rated PG-13 by the MPAA for extended sequences of sci-fi violence and action.

-Violent confrontations occur throughout this movie, the main weapon of choice being a fantastical laser-like “blaster”. We see countless deaths, mostly “Storm Troopers”, characters covered in white armor that gives them a non-human appearance. Other characters are killed by stabbing, bombs and various weapons. A nurturing character is shot and brief blood effects are seen. A character is subjected to a torturing that results in brain damage. Hand-to-hand combat is depicted with physical assault. Eccentric and strange alien characters are seen, including one that is mutilated: these depictions may be frightening to young children. Characters steal and disobey commands from authorities, and are in near-constant peril.

Sexual Content:
Characters affectionately hug and kiss.

None noted.

Alcohol / Drug Use:
None noted.

Page last updated

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Parents' Guide

When trying to convince the Rebels to attack, Jyn is asked, “What chance do we have?” She responds, “The question isn’t what chance. The question is what choice do we have?” When have you faced a decision that requires faith to believe you can overcome odds that are not in your favor?

“The Force” plays a major role in the motivations of characters in this movie. How does this power parallel different religions? How does it involve faith? Do you have to be religious to appreciate the role of “The Force” in Star Wars stories?

Are all characters in this movie good or evil? How do the various shades of grey help to make the story more realistic?

What aspects of life in Star Wars are rarely seen? Who builds the various ships? Where does everyone live? Where’s the cafeteria? If you created a Star Wars universe, what would you include?

Home Video

The most recent home video release of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story movie is April 4, 2017. Here are some details…

Home Video Notes: Rogue One – A Star Wars Story
Release Date: 4 April 2017
Rogue One – A Star Wars Story releases to home video (Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Copy) with the following extras:
- A Rogue Idea – Hear how ILM’s John Knoll came up with the movie’s concept – and why it’s the right film to launch the Star Wars stand-alone films.
- Jyn: The Rebel – Get to know Rogue One’s defiant, resourceful survivor, and hear what it was like for Felicity Jones to bring her to life onscreen.
- Cassian: The Spy – Diego Luna shares insights into his complex, driven character, who becomes a hero through selflessness, perseverance and passion.
- K-2SO: The Droid – Explore the development of this reprogrammed Imperial droid, from initial pitch and character design through Alan Tudyk’s performance.
- Baze & Chirrut: Guardians of the Whills – Go deeper into the relationship between these two very different characters, with Chinese superstars Jiang Wen and Donnie Yen.
- Bodhi & Saw: The Pilot & The Revolutionary – Forest Whitaker and Riz Ahmed reflect on Saw Gerrera, the broken Rebel leader, and Bodhi Rook, the Imperial pilot who defects.
- The Empire – Meet a dangerous new Imperial adversary…and cross paths once more with the most iconic villain of all time.
- Visions of Hope: The Look of “Rogue One” – The filmmakers describe the challenges and thrills of developing a bold new look for the movie that can fit within the world of the original trilogy.
- The Princess & The Governor – See what it took to bring the vibrant young princess of Star Wars: A New Hope – as well as one of her most memorable foes­ – back to the screen.
- Epilogue: The Story Continues – Filmmakers and cast celebrate Rogue One’s premiere and look forward into the future, to the Star Wars stories yet to be told.
- Rogue Connections – Uncover Easter eggs and film facts hidden throughout the movie that connect Rogue One to the Star Wars universe.

Related home video titles:

Director Gareth Edwards and writer Chris Weitz also worked together on Disney’s live-action Cinderella (2015).


This movie is preceded by the following movies in the Star Wars Franchise:
- Episode I: The Phantom Menace
- Episode II: Attack of the Clones
- Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
- Episode IV: A New Hope
- Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
- Episode VII: The Force Awakens
- - Episode VIII: The Last jedi
- - Episode IX

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