Movie Ratings Information

Welcome to the website about movie ratings around the world!

Since the dawn of mass media, many countries have attempted to regulate, control, or even block certain messages or content from being exhibited to their citizens at large.

Today, most democratic states are primarily interested in "classifying" (as opposed to "censoring") media products--especially movies--into age appropriate categories. The result has been the formation of various movie rating boards and offices which typically advise, and often enforce their decisions through legislation, as to what ages may see a particular title.

Please click on a country you are interested in knowing more about.

If you're looking for US MPAA or Canadian movie ratings for a specific title, or if you'd like complete content information on a movie along with a review written with parents in mind, check the over-three thousand reviews on our site for movies in theaters or releasing on home video. You can also look for a particular movie title using the search icon on our upper navigation bar above this page.

Also, we invite other film classification boards that are interested in having their information posted here to contact us.