Werewolves Parent Guide
Beware the full moon.
Rating & Content Info
Please Note: We have not viewed this movie. The information below is a summary based on data gathered from government and industry sponsored film classification agencies in various global regions.
Why is Werewolves rated R? Werewolves is rated R by the MPAA for violence, some gore, and language
Violence: There are frequent scenes of violence, including decapitation and electrocution. These scenes involve bloody detail. Firearms are used. Dead bodies are visible on screen. There are frequent jump scares. Werewolves stalk and terrorize innocent people.
Sexual Content: n/a
Profanity: There are over 40 profanities, including frequent use of sexual expletives, along with scatological curses, terms of deity, crude anatomical terms, and mild curses.
Drug/Alcohol Use: n/a
Page last updated December 6, 2024
News About "Werewolves"
Cast and Crew
Werewolves is directed by Steven C. Miler and stars Frank Grillo, Katrina Law, Ilfenesh Hadera.