One Against The Wind Parent Guide
Parent Movie Review
It’s only on rare occasion that I can find justification for violence, but this movie provides a riveting story with a couple of violent portrayals that enhance, not overwhelm what the film is trying to do.
Produced with money from Hallmark Cards, One Against The Wind gives tribute to Mary Lindell (played by Judy Davis), who was responsible for helping many allied pilots escape from occupied France during the Second World War. The movie shows how Mary made the impulsive decision to become a subversive after finding an Allied soldier in a restaurant. After rescuing and returning him to safety, word soon got out to other downed Allies that Mary was their ticket home.
If you are familiar with other Hallmark made-for-TV movies, you may be surprised to see such a serious subject being dealt with. Their other films leave you warm all over, but any movie that accurately displays the horror brought on by the Nazi movement leaves you with unsettling thoughts. This film accomplishes this task.
With a short scene of Mary’s son (Christien Anholt) being beaten my Nazis, another more explicit scene of two Nazi soldiers being machine gunned down in their car, along with a firing squad segment, this film is not recommended for young children. However, the violence is not excessive when taken in context with the era and situation.
War is one of the greatest incentives to screenwriters, and World War II tops the list in interest. It is difficult, though, to find movies that accurately portray war, without leaving you with a few minutes of story between endless horrors. True, these events were terrible, but a riveting story is even more effective than horrifying images.
You won’t find fifty copies of this film in your local rental shop and you may even have to request it. If you can get it, it is a worthwhile film that manages to portray yet another amazing true story from the infamous Second World War.
Starring Judy Davis, Sam Neill. Running time: 96 minutes. Updated July 24, 2009