Moonlight Parent Guide
The search for self.
Rating & Content Info
Why is Moonlight rated R? Moonlight is rated R by the MPAA for some sexuality, drug use, brief violence, and language throughout
- Portrayals of non-graphic violence.
- Brief explicit violence.
- Depictions of physical assault and injury.
- Infrequent portrayals of weapons and hand-to-hand violence with some blood and detail.
- Bullying.
- Grotesque images,
Sexual Content:
- Portrayals of sexual activity with no nudity and some detail.
- Implied sexual activity.
- Simulated sexual activity.
- Same gender attraction.
- Embracing and kissing.
- Sexual references and language.
Approximately 100 instances of coarse language, including;
- Frequent use of the sexual expletive and variations in a non-sexual context.
- Frequent use of scatological slang, cursing, and vulgar expressions.
- Infrequent use of profanity and sexual slurs.
Alcohol / Drug Use:
- Tobacco use.
- Alcohol useĀ .
- Substance use.
- Two scenes of drug use involving marijuana.
Page last updated February 27, 2017
News About "Moonlight"
Cast and Crew
Moonlight is directed by Barry Jenkins and stars Mahershala Ali, Alex Hibbert, Ashton Sanders, Trevante Rhodes.
Home Video
The most recent home video release of Moonlight movie is February 28, 2017. Here are some details…
Moonlight releases to home video on February 28, 2017.