Olympus Has Fallen Parent Guide
Olympus Has Fallen
Rating & Content Info
Why is Olympus Has Fallen rated R? Olympus Has Fallen is rated R by the MPAA for strong violence and language throughout.
This additional information about the movie’s content is taken from the notes of various Canadian Film Classification boards:
- Frequent explicit violence with acts shown in a realistic manner,including detail, blood and tissue damage.
- Frequent depictions of beating, fighting, shooting, stabbing and explosion.
- Frequent gun, hand-to-hand, and weapons violence, with blood, impact, and some detail.
- Occasional gory and grotesque images.
- Upsetting or disturbing scenes.
- Depictions of torture.
Sexual Content:
- Embracing and kissing.
Approximately 61 instances of coarse language, including:
- Frequent use of the sexual expletive, sometimes in an aggressive context.
- Frequent use of scatological slang, profanity and cursing.
- Infrequent use of vulgar expressions.
Page last updated July 17, 2017
News About "Olympus Has Fallen"
Cast and Crew
Olympus Has Fallen is directed by Antoine Fuqua and stars Gerard Butler, Angela Bassett, Robert Forster, Ashley Judd.
Home Video
The most recent home video release of Olympus Has Fallen movie is August 13, 2013. Here are some details…
Olympus Has Fallen releases to home video on August 13, 2013.
Related home video titles:
In this movie the terrorists are portrayed as Asian—which was also the face of the bad guys in Red Dawn. The Capitol comes under attack again this year in the movie White House Down (slated to release in June 2013).