Martha, Marcy, May, Marlene parents guide

Martha, Marcy, May, Marlene Parent Guide

Release date October 21, 2011

When Martha, Marcy, May, Marlene (Elizabeth Olsen) shows up on her sister's (Sarah Paulson) doorstep after a 2-year absences, she come carrying a lot of emotional baggage incurred while living in a sexually abusive cult.

Why is Martha, Marcy, May, Marlene rated R? The MPA rated Martha, Marcy, May, Marlene R for disturbing violent and sexual content, nudity and language.

Run Time: 102 minutes

Martha, Marcy, May, Marlene
Rating & Content Info

Please Note: We have not viewed this movie. The information below is a summary based on data gathered from government and industry sponsored film classification agencies in various global regions.

Why is Martha, Marcy, May, Marlene rated R? Martha, Marcy, May, Marlene is rated R by the MPAA for disturbing violent and sexual content, nudity and language.


- Brief non-explicit violence.

- Infrequent portrayals of violence, some in a coercive context (some blood shown).

- Explicit violence acts shown in a realistic manner with blood and detail.

- Portrayal of sexual assault (no nudity, but some detail shown).

- Disturbing scenes.

- Depictions of shooting, stabbing and slapping.

- Some scenes may frighten children.

Sexual Content:

- Three scenes of nudity, depicting breasts and buttocks, in non-sexual contexts.

- Portrayals of sexual activity with brief breast nudity and some detail.

- Sexual violence.

- Simulated sexual activity.

- Implied sexual activity.

- Sexual references and innuendo.

- Embracing and kissing.

- One instance of sexual language.


- Frequent use of the sexual expletive, sometimes in a sexual context.

- Infrequent use of scatological slang, sexual references and cursing.

Drugs and Alcohol:

- Tobacco use.

Page last updated

News About "Martha, Marcy, May, Marlene"

Cast and Crew

Martha, Marcy, May, Marlene is directed by Sean Durkin and stars Elizabeth Olsen, Sarah Paulson, John Hawkes.

Home Video

The most recent home video release of Martha, Marcy, May, Marlene movie is February 20, 2012. Here are some details…

Martha, Marcy, May, Marlene releases to home video on February 21, 2012.

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