Copshop Parent Guide
The f-bombs fly even faster than the bullets in this action flick.
Parent Movie Review
Teddy Murretto (Frank Grillo) has had a long, convoluted career as a con artist and mafia fixer – and his career is catching up with him. Pursued by a variety of unsavoury characters who want to “discuss” some of his recent business ventures, Teddy decides the safest place to be is in jail. So he sucker-punches officer Valerie Young (Alexis Louder) and gets booked. But Teddy’s pursuers are just as wily as he is, and before long, Teddy finds himself locked up with Bob (Gerard Butler), a professional hitman with a contract out on him. Things are going to get worse for Teddy, as Tony Lamb (Toby Huss), a truly unhinged killer, is also interested in the sizeable contract on Teddy’s head. Valerie, caught between the various killers and criminals, is in trouble – but she knows how to handle trouble.
There’s a quick litmus test for how much you’ll enjoy this film. Do you think people getting shot can be funny? If you answered “no” or “what is wrong with you”, then this is not going to be your kind of movie. It’s not strictly speaking a comedy, but the timing and (if you’ll pardon a pun) execution of some of the action is definitely shot for a laugh. Or maybe I just need therapy more than we previously thought.
On the other hand, the cast is having a pretty good time. Alexis Louder is particularly good, and I’m looking forward to seeing her dry, quiet delivery in more action flicks. On the other end of the spectrum, Toby Huss roams the halls, gnawing on the scenery and singing, and clearly having entirely too much fun. Thankfully, it’s also fun to watch. Butler and Grillo spend the film trying to out-growl and out-menace each other, and they’re both fine, but they’re certainly not about to steal the show, no matter how loud Grillo’s wardrobe might be.
As the R rating indicates, this is not a family film. (Or even kissing cousins to a family film.) The biggest issue is the frequent gory violence, which is occasionally played for laughs – not something typically found on movie night in most households. There are also a staggering 157 f-bombs in a 107-minute movie, so if you’re sensitive to profanity, this is going to feel like the Blitz. If it’s any consolation, by the time you get through the murder and the cussing, the credits are rolling, so there aren’t too many other issues. You know, provided the kneecapping didn’t turn you off. I had a good time, but as you may have noticed, I have a pretty dark sense of fun.
Directed by Joe Carnahan. Starring Frank Grillo, Gerard Butler, Toby Huss, Alexis Louder. Running time: 108 minutes. Theatrical release September 17, 2021. Updated February 24, 2022
Rating & Content Info
Why is Copshop rated R? Copshop is rated R by the MPAA for strong, bloody violence, and pervasive language
Violence: People are repeatedly shot and stabbed. There are scenes of hand-to-hand combat, one of which ends in a person suffering a crushed trachea. A character is kneecapped, tasered, and then pepper-sprayed in the new holes in their knees. An individual is stabbed and their throat is cut. There are references to suffocation, dismemberment, the murder of a child, and decapitation.
Sexual Content: There are a few brief crude sexual references. A rudimentary drawing of a phallus is seen.
Profanity: There are 157 extreme profanities, 38 scatological curses, and occasional uses of mild profanities and terms of deity.
Alcohol / Drug Use: Illegal drugs are seen and referenced, but none are used on screen.
Page last updated February 24, 2022
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