Picture from Summer Beach Movies

Summer Beach Movies

Who doesn’t dream of a trip to the beach? Hot sun, cool water, cold drinks and the sound of the waves. Whether you’re going to the beach this year or not, here are some beach-y films to give you that sweet summer feeling.

Teen Beach Movie is a light, frothy and yes, cheesy, film aimed at the tween market. When two friends go out surfing together, a monster wave knocks them into the water and into a make-believe setting for Wet Side Story (yep, that’s the real name). Singing and dancing ensue. More singing and dancing, this time around a pool, dominate High School Musical 2. Tweens will love this one too.

Teen romance takes center stage in Aquamarine. When a storm washes a mermaid up on shore, two teenage besties work together to help their finned friend find true love – or at least the cinematic equivalent. And, of course, the classic mermaid movie is Disney’s The Little Mermaid with another lovelorn aquatic maiden – and some really great music.

If mermaids don’t fill your silly summer movie quotient, what about surfing penguins? According to Surf’s Up, the wave-borne sport was invented by the waddling seabirds. Watch the Penguin World Surfing Championship in this mockumentary that will have kids laughing out loud.

Teens looking for a summer romance can watch The Last Song. Starring Miley Cyrus this teen and tween friendly film tells the story of an angry 17-year-old sent to live with her father for the summer. Meeting a young man played by Liam Hemsworth, who shares her love of music, seems to provide an opportunity to soften her heart.

Older viewers looking for scarier oceanside drama will want to start with Steven Spielberg’s classic Jaws. Just be warned – after watching the movie and hearing the ominous soundtrack, you might not be able to get into the water for the rest of the summer. More shark drama is found in The Shallows. Blake Lively plays a young woman trapped on a rocky islet which is being relentlessly circled by a shark. And if regular sharks aren’t enough for you, scare yourself witless with a 75 foot long prehistoric shark in The Meg.

Younger viewers who like marine animals but don’t want to be scared to death will enjoy Dolphin Tale. This sweet story follows a boy named Sawyer who finds an injured dolphin washed up on shore and becomes involved in the quest to repair its damaged tail fin. In the sequel, Dolphin Tale 2, Sawyer needs to come up with a solution that will keep the dolphin in the local aquarium.

Looking for action drama in a marine setting? Aquaman, with its undersea and land battles should fit the bill. Less violent but no less exciting is Disney’s Moana. The adventurous titular heroine sets sail on the vast Pacific Ocean to find safety for her family and the people of her island.

And if your idea of ocean-going adventure has a skull and cross bones waving above it, there’s no shortage of pirate movies to watch. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl is the first of the astoundingly successful series. Viewers who want their pirate movies with more laughter and less gore can check out The Pirates – Band of Misfits. This claymation production by the Aardman studio doesn’t take it too seriously as it serves up swashbuckling adventure.

More details about the movies mentioned in this post…