Picture from Social Distancing Movies: Week 12

Social Distancing Movies: Week 12

Now that summer’s arrived, we know that families are going to be spending more time outdoors and less time in front of their screens. For our final week of movie recommendations, scroll down:

Enchanted: Disney puts its best foot forward in this mixed animation/live action fairy tale mash-up. A wicked queen sends the prince’s bride-to-be through an enchanted well into gritty New York City. This tongue-in-cheek movie features a sweet, ditzy heroine, lots of song and dance numbers, and a dragon. Fun for families. PG, Grade: A

Dark Waters: A real life tale of courage and persistence, Dark Waters tells the story of Rob Bilott’s decades long quest to bring a corporation to account for poisoning the watershed and damaging the health of thousands of Americans. Recommended for teens and their parents. PG-13, Grade: A-

The Hate U Give: If you’re struggling to understand the current upheaval after the death of George Floyd, we recommend this story of an African American teen who witnesses the killing of a friend by a police officer. PG-13, Grade: B

Hugo: Orphaned Hugo Cabret lives in a Paris train station, where he maintains the clocks and tries to repair his only legacy from his father: an automaton. This visually lovely story encompasses the early history of film and is a treat for kids and their parents. PG, Grade: A

Yesterday: After being hit by a bus in a worldwide blackout, Jack wakes up in a world where no one can remember The Beatles. Singing their songs makes Jack famous – but can he live with the deception? PG-13, Grade: B

The Blind Side: When the Touhys see a student walking along the side of the road one evening, they discover that the African American teen is homeless. He’s also on a football scholarship at their children’s Christian school. As the Touhy family makes space in their home for Michael Oher, all of their lives are changed. PG-13, Grade: A-

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country: The USS Enterprise has been tasked with an important mission in furthering peace with the Klingons. But Captain James T Kirk is reluctant – he’s never forgiven the Klingons for the death of his son. How can we unlearn hate and make peace with others? This instalment in the Star Trek franchise shows us one path. PG, Grade: A-

More details about the movies mentioned in this post…