The Front Room parents guide

The Front Room Parent Guide

It's not just mom moving in.

Release date September 6, 2024

Theaters: A young couple, pregnant with their first child, reluctantly agree to take in the man's estranged mother and find their lives thrown in to disarray as family secrets start to be revealed.

Why is The Front Room rated R? The MPA rated The Front Room R for language, some violent/disturbing content, brief sexuality and nudity

Run Time: 94 minutes

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The Front Room
Rating & Content Info

Please Note: We have not viewed this movie. The information below is a summary based on data gathered from government and industry sponsored film classification agencies in various global regions.

Why is The Front Room rated R? The Front Room is rated R by the MPAA for language, some violent/disturbing content, brief sexuality and nudity

Our apologies but we are short-staffed this weekend and are only able to provide content information for this film:
Violence: There are scenes of weapons and hand-to-hand violence, with some bloody detail. A woman throws herself into a table, knocking out a tooth, with bloody results. A person is suffocated. There are grotesque scenes involving bodily fluids and feces. A person imagines a car accident.
Sexual Content:: A woman’s breast is seen more than one in a non-sexual context. There is a scene of sexual intercourse between a married man and woman, without explicit nudity. In imaginary scenes, a woman has six breasts and is nursing a baby; another sees her nursing an adult stepson.
Profanity:: There are approximately 18 profanities in the film, including sexual expletives (in a non-sexual context), scatological curses, terms of deity, and minor swear words.
Drugs/Alcohol: An adult talks about quitting smoking

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News About "The Front Room"

Cast and Crew

The Front Room is directed by Max Eggers, Sam Eggers and stars Brandy Norwood, Kathryn Hunter, Andrew Burnap.