Sinister Parent Guide
Rating & Content Info
Why is Sinister rated R? Sinister is rated R by the MPAA for disturbing violent images and some terror.
This additional information about the movie’s content is taken from the notes of various Canadian Film Classification boards:
- Several intense and suspenseful frightening scenes.
- Depictions of hanging, burning, drowning, throat-slitting and mutilation.
- Frequent explicit violence shown with realistic detail, blood and tissue damage.
- Infrequent portrayals of weapons and hand-to-hand violence (usually in a supernatural context), often involving children.
- Nightmarish imagery.
- Torture.
- Detailed disturbing scenes.
- Gory and grotesque images.
- May have an adverse psychological impact.
- Infrequent use of profanity and mild cursing.
Sexual Content:
- Embracing and kissing.
Drugs and Alcohol:
- Tobacco use.
- Alcohol abuse.
Page last updated July 17, 2017
News About "Sinister"
Cast and Crew
Sinister is directed by Scott Derrickson and stars Ethan Hawke, Juliet Rylance, James Ransone, Vincent D'Onofrio.
Home Video
The most recent home video release of Sinister movie is February 18, 2013. Here are some details…
Sinister releases to home video on February 19, 2013.
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