A Nightmare on Elm Street Parent Guide
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Rating & Content Info
Why is A Nightmare on Elm Street rated R? A Nightmare on Elm Street is rated R by the MPAA for strong bloody horror violence, disturbing images, terror and language.
This additional information about the movie’s content is taken from the notes of various Canadian Film Classification boards:
- Frequent and prolonged portrayals of graphic violence.
- Visually explicit portrayals of gruesome deaths.
- Frequent disturbing scenes.
- Frequent detailed images that are gory and grotesque.
- Six scenes of explicit violence depicting throat-slitting, stabbing and mutilation.
-Implied child abuse.
Sexual Content:
- Sexual references and innuendo.
- Embracing and kissing.
- Frequent use of the sexual expletive in non-sexual contexts.
- Frequent use of scatological slang, profanity, and vulgar expressions.
Drugs and Alcohol:
- Substance abuse.
Page last updated July 19, 2016
News About "A Nightmare on Elm Street"
Cast and Crew
A Nightmare on Elm Street is directed by Samuel Bayer and stars Jackie Earle Haley, Rooney Mara, Kyle Gallner.
Home Video
The most recent home video release of A Nightmare on Elm Street movie is October 5, 2010. Here are some details…
Nightmare on Elm Street releases to DVD and Blu-ray on OCtober 5, 2010.
Related home video titles:
This movie is a re-make of the 1984 A Nightmare on Elm Street, which spawned many sequels. Avoiding sleep is also critical to survival in sci-fi movie The Invasion.