My Zoe parents guide

My Zoe Parent Guide

Nothing improves a divorce like a dangerously ill child...right?

Release date February 26, 2021

Although Isabelle and James are divorced, they're determined to raise their daughter, Zoe, as well as they can. But when Zoe won't wake up one morning, a battery of hospital tests leave Isabelle and James terrified for their daughter's future... and their own.

Why is My Zoe rated R? The MPA rated My Zoe R for brief language/sexual reference

Run Time: 100 minutes

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My Zoe
Rating & Content Info

Please Note: We have not viewed this movie. The information below is a summary based on data gathered from government and industry sponsored film classification agencies in various global regions.

Why is My Zoe rated R? My Zoe is rated R by the MPAA for brief language/sexual reference

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, theaters in our communities are closed. We will provide a complete review when we are able to watch this film on a streaming platform. Our research with government ratings agencies indicates that this film has the following content issues:
- Infrequent strong language including sexual expletives, terms of deity, and scatological curses.
- Non-explicit discussion of a sexual relationship.
- Potentially disturbing content involving a miscarriage and bloody sheets.
- Potentially disturbing content when a child suffers a serious head injury and is shown in hospital.

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News About "My Zoe"

Cast and Crew

My Zoe is directed by Julie Delpy and stars Richard Armitage, Gemma Arterton, and Daniel Brühl.