Justin Bieber - Never Say Never Parent Guide
If you are willing to overlook the film's obvious agenda, "Never Say Never" will likely give young viewers just what they want -- an opportunity to feed the Bieber Fever frenzy.
Parent Movie Review
With a houseful of boys, we’ve avoided coming down with an outbreak of Bieber Fever. Not so for the audience of tween and teen girls at the movie screening I attended. Infection levels were at a high with lots of symptomatic twittering going on and I don’t mean the kind you do with your thumbs. This was the kind of high-pitched, anticipatory sound heard among a group of excited adolescents. Even Twilight enthusiasts could have learned a thing or two about fan devotion.
But it’s hard to be too critical of the phenomenon surrounding Justin Bieber. After all, every generation has had it’s own teen heartthrobs. Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Davy Jones, New Kids on the Block and Backstreet Boys, among a host of others, have been sending young girls into screaming fits and setting hearts aflutter for decades. However few, if any, of these performers have been able to do it as quickly as the Stratford, Ontario boy who initially earned a following on Youtube. Thanks to the Internet and tweeting (the kind you do with your thumbs) he has since garnered a HUGEMONGOUS base of admirers.
Still one wonders if an equally sudden crash will come on the heels of his meteoric rise to fame. It happens all too often. (Where are you now David Cassidy?) In the meantime, the marketing machine surrounding Justin seems to be doing all they can to squeeze every possible dollar out of the young talent’s career by bringing his life story and snippets of his Never Say Never tour to movie theaters.
From a parent’s perspective, the film offers few concerns, other than a handful of terms of Deity and the infrequent use of bathroom slang. While the credits claim no studio responsibility for the depiction of tobacco in the movie, the incident was so inconsequential I didn’t even catch it. Each performance begins with an off-stage prayer. And the members of Justin’s core group also give back by handing out a number of free tickets, just before the concert begins, to fans who have been unable to get admission.
For theatergoers, all the hype surrounding this release may feel unwarranted (though some of the 3D effects truly do enhance the concert experience). For the most part, the amount of actual on-stage singing and dancing is minimal compared to the grainy home video clips and behind-the-scenes footage. During some musical sets the audience hardly has time to get their glow sticks waving in the air before the script cuts to interviews with Justin’s adult entourage including his talent agent Scooter Braun and vocal coach Mama Jan.
Although for some viewers this pop star may seem a little too confident or cocky while on tour, it’s understandable. Even 20, 30, or 40-year-olds would likely get a head rush from all the attention. Throw in a visit to the White House, magazine covers, TV appearances, photo shoots and a book deal and suddenly the business of being Bieber is awe-inspiring.
Underscoring the incredible power of social networking and the Internet, the production often feels less like a real concert experience and more like a teaser plugging the performer’s next appearance—hopefully one that is coming soon to a stadium near you. Yet if you are willing to overlook the film’s obvious agenda, Never Say Never will likely give young viewers just what they want—an opportunity to feed the Bieber Fever frenzy.
Directed by Jon Chu . Starring Justin Beiber. Running time: 105 minutes. Theatrical release February 11, 2011. Updated July 17, 2017
Justin Bieber - Never Say Never
Rating & Content Info
Why is Justin Bieber - Never Say Never rated G? Justin Bieber - Never Say Never is rated G by the MPAA
Violence: The cast engages in various forms of friendly horseplay.
Sexual Content: Bieber removes his shirt on several occasions. One of his mother’s low cut tops reveals some cleavage. Background singers briefly grab at their crotch during a musical number.
Language: The script contains less than a dozen terms of Diety. Beiber also uses two mild bathroom terms to describe the taste of a nutrition drink.
Alcohol / Drug Use: None noted despite the studio disclaimer.
Page last updated July 17, 2017
Justin Bieber - Never Say Never Parents' Guide
What is the physical toll of performing day after day? What strain does that put on a singer’s voice? How does the constant travel contribute to the challenge?
It takes a lot of individuals to put on a performance. Why is it important to have supportive people who can say"no” as well as “yes”?
How have viral videos changed the way a person can become famous? Do you think that quick celebrity status is more likely to result in equally instant obscurity?
Shortly after the movie opened in theaters, the studio decided to release a second version of this concert video. You can read more about this announcement in our Big Picture article: Justin Bieber Directors CutWill You Go Again?
Home Video
The most recent home video release of Justin Bieber - Never Say Never movie is August 23, 2011. Here are some details…
Home Video Notes: Justin Bieber: Never Say Never Director’s Fan Cut (2-disc DVD and Digital Copy)
Release Date: 23 August 2011
Exclusively available through Target stores, Justin Bieber: Never Say Never Director’s Fan Cut is director Jon M. Chu’s extended version of the original theatrical film. (It is the version that appeared during the last week of the film short theatrical run.) It offers an additional 34 minutes of footage featuring more of Justin’s personal life, new songs, extra performances of “Baby” and fan reactions to the initial movie. The 2-disc DVD (with digital copy) are packaged in a collectible keepsake box, along with a limited edition Justin Bieber: Never Say Never necklace. The set include:
Disc One:
- Justin Bieber: Never Say Never Director’s Fan Cut
Disc Two:
- Evolution Of A Tour: A behind-the-scenes look at the Justin Bieber’s My World Tour.
- Day Of The Concert: Follow Justin as he prepares for the concert.
- More Less Lonely Girls: Justin sings to fans across the country.
- Life On The Road: A peek at Justin’s daily life.
- Sound Check Parties: A look at the pre-show parties.
- The Dougie: A montage of Justin and Team Bieber doing their Dougie-dances.
- The Rocket Ship Girls: A closer look at some of Justin’s biggest fans.
- Can You Sing “Baby”?: Justin performs “Baby” for golden ticket-winning fans.
- White Chocolate Interview: Justin hangs out with friends.
- The Director: Jon M. Chu discusses bringing Justin’s life to the big screen.
Digital Copy
Home Video Notes: Justin Bieber - Never Say Never
Release Date: May 13, 20011
Justin Bieber - Never Say Never releases to DVD and Blu-ray on May 13, 2011. The Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Copy Combo Pack includes:
- Concert Dance-Off Justin and his crew showcase their incredible dance moves
- Favorite Girl Live performance from Madison Square Garden
- Giving Back An extended look at Justin’s team surprising lucky fans with free concert tickets
- R.I.P. Hair Flip The cameras were rolling when Justin cut his famous hair
Related home video titles:
Teen fans get an up close look at the their favorite teen stars in the Jonas Brothers 3D Concert Experience and the Hannah Montana - Miley Cyrus - Best of Both Worlds Concert Tour. In anticipation of Michael Jackson’s 2009 return to the stage, Kenny Ortega began filming a behind-the-scenes look at the performer’s preparations in Michael Jackson’s This Is It.