Get Him to the Greek Parent Guide
Get Him to the Greek
Rating & Content Info
Why is Get Him to the Greek rated R? Get Him to the Greek is rated R by the MPAA for strong sexual content and drug use throughout, and pervasive language.
This additional information about the movie’s content is taken from the notes of various Canadian Film Classification boards:
- Brief portrayals of graphic violence.
- Depictions of fighting.
Sexual Content:
- Nudity seen in a non-sexual context.
- Three scenes of nudity in sexual contexts (buttocks and breasts depicted).
- Simulated sexual activity.
- Implied sexual activity.
- Frequent use of crude and descriptive sexual language, references and innuendo.
- Crude content.
- Frequent and detailed portrayals of crude bodily functions.
- Embracing and kissing.
- Approximately 175 instances of coarse language including pervasive use of the sexual expletive and variations (sometimes in a sexual context), scatological slang and vulgar expressions.
- Use of slurs.
Drugs and Alcohol:
- Depictions of drug use.
- Pervasive and detailed portrayals of illegal drug use in a recreational context.
Page last updated July 20, 2016
News About "Get Him to the Greek"
Cast and Crew
Get Him to the Greek is directed by Nicholas Stoller and stars Jonah Hill, Russell Brand, Elisabeth Moss.
Home Video
The most recent home video release of Get Him to the Greek movie is September 28, 2010. Here are some details…
Get Him to the Greek is releasing to DVD and Blu-ray on September 28, 2010.
Related home video titles:
Director Nicholas Stoller wrote the script for this movie spin-off of Forgetting Sarah Marshall, also starring Jonah Hill. The actor can be seen in the comedies Superbad >and Knocked Up.