Get Away Parent Guide
A vacation they'll never forget...
Get Away
Rating & Content Info
Why is Get Away rated R? Get Away is rated R by the MPAA for strong bloody violence and gore, language and sexual content
Violence: The film features strong, gory, pervasive violence. There are multiple scenes involving stabbing with bladed weapons, featuring gushing blood and graphic injury detail. A person gets decapitated. Severed body parts, including heads and male genitalia are visible on screen. Mutilated animal corpses are seen. A flashback sees a woman and her child being threatened.
Sexual Content: A man watches people through one way mirrors; it’s implied that he masturbates while watching people having sex. There is a scene of oral sex and it is treated as comic material. A man enters a sleeping woman’s room and lies down on her bed but does not harm her.
Profanity: There is frequent use of sexual expletives, scatological curses, terms of deity, and minor profanities.
Drugs/Alcohol: People joke about drug use.
Page last updated December 6, 2024
News About "Get Away"
Cast and Crew
Get Away is directed by Steffen Haars and stars Nick Frost, Aisling Bea, Sebastian Croft.