Forgetting Sarah Marshall Parent Guide
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Rating & Content Info
Why is Forgetting Sarah Marshall rated R? Forgetting Sarah Marshall is rated R by the MPAA for sexual content, language and some graphic nudity
Content Information:
This additional information about the movie’s content is taken from the notes of various Canadian Film Classification boards:
- Infrequent portrayals of hand-to-hand violence (little blood is shown).
- One scene involves the slaughter of an animal.
Sexual Content:
- Crude and descriptive sexual references, language and innuendo.
- Frequent breast, buttock, and frontal male nudity in a non-sexual context.
- Partial or full nudity in a brief sexual situation.
- Brief simulated sexual activity.
- Frequent implied sexual activity.
- Embracing and kissing
- Frequent use of the sexual expletive (and variations), often in a sexual context.
- Frequent use of profanity, including scatological slang and vulgar expressions.
- Use of slurs.
Drugs and Alcohol:
- Depictions of and verbal references to the use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
Page last updated April 30, 2009
News About "Forgetting Sarah Marshall"
Cast and Crew
Forgetting Sarah Marshall is directed by and stars Jason Segel, Kristen Bell, Mila Kunis, Bill Hader, Paul Rudd..
Home Video
The most recent home video release of Forgetting Sarah Marshall movie is September 29, 2008. Here are some details…
Related home video titles:
Of Special Note:
Producer Judd Apatow has also had a hand in similar comedy projects, such as Drillbit Taylor, Superbad and Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story. He and actor Jason Segel (who stars in and penned the script of this film), worked together in the movie Knocked Up.
DVD Release: Forgetting Sarah Marshall releases to DVD on September 30, 2008.
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