Flow Parent Guide
With some parental input "Flow" can help even the youngest audience members become far more aware of how rare and precious this common commodity has become.
Parent Movie Review
“Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink,” so says the famous ancient mariner and so may we if we don’t heed the lessons provided to us in Flow, a documentary about yet another problem in our world—maintaining safe water supplies.
Pulling in facts and opinions from India, the United States, Bolivia and many other locales, this film’s director (Irena Salina) does away with the sarcasm and showboating that other moore (ahem) famous documentarians have succumbed to and instead delivers its argument with surgical precision. It states the world is running out of safe, fresh water. Although private industry is ready to step in and fix the problem, it comes at a price most of the globe’s populous can’t afford.
But it’s not all pure doom and gloom. The French director also gives us some hope as she interviews people who have been instrumental in discovering ways to provide sanitized water in remote areas for very little cost. She also reveals some surprising statistics about our addiction to bottled water in North America that may be unsettling. She demonstrates how we could take the dollars spent on this habit and solve the water problems in the rest of the developing world.
Short of some riots where people are being pushed and images of the impoverished (some unclothed) who are desperate for access to the vital liquid, the film has only good things to share with your family members. While it is presented at a level that would best engage teens, with some parental input Flow can help even the youngest audience members become far more aware of how rare and precious this common commodity has become.
Starring Director Irena Salina. Theatrical release September 11, 2008. Updated January 13, 2025
Rating & Content Info
Why is Flow rated Not Rated? Flow is rated Not Rated by the MPAA
This documentary about the world’s water situation may be troubling for some young viewers. Impoverished people are shown waiting for water (some are not clothed). A riot over water access is seen, during which authorities push around some people and one woman falls to the ground. Overall, a balanced, positive message is presented.
Page last updated January 13, 2025
Flow Parents' Guide
People may often feel like some problems are simply too big to be solved. What can we do as individuals to try and create change? Is there anything you could do to help the water situation?
The creator of this film asserts that if we directed a fraction of the money spent on bottled water in America, we could solve the world’s water crisis. Do you believe this? Would you be willing to change your habits to help a greater cause?
Home Video
The most recent home video release of Flow movie is December 8, 2008. Here are some details…
DVD Release Date: December 9, 2008
This documentary about the world’s water supplies will Flow onto DVD, with the following bonus materials in its wake: commentary by director Irena Salina and editor Caitlin Dixon, expanded interviews with internationally acclaimed experts, and extended scenes, clips and water related features. The disc also makes a Call to Resistance by offering action steps and links to other parties involved in the fight to preserve water resources.
Related home video titles:
Concerns for the environment are also documented in An Inconvenient Truth and The 11th Hour. A desire to control the world’s water supply plays a part in the plot of the fictional spy thriller Quantum of Solace.