San Andreas parents guide

San Andreas Parent Guide

It's everything you'd expect from a good old-fashioned disaster movie where thousands may die, but the core group always prevails thanks to a little ingenuity and a whole lot of perseverance.

Overall B

A major earthquake along California's San Andreas fault has a search and rescue helicopter pilot (Dwayne Johnson) using his professional skills for personal reasons. But can he and his estranged wife (Carla Gugino) reach their daughter (Alexandra Daddario) in time to save her from the big one?

Release date May 29, 2015

Violence C
Sexual Content B+
Profanity D+
Substance Use A

Why is San Andreas rated PG-13? The MPAA rated San Andreas PG-13 for intense disaster action and mayhem throughout, and brief strong language.

Run Time: 114 minutes

Official Movie Site

Parent Movie Review

California’s tourism board has some big names encouraging visitors to come to the state. But they might have to do some damage control after the release of San Andreas. This film is a classic disaster movie with a huge cast of characters that are crushed, drowned or otherwise killed in a massive earthquake that shakes up the entire western coastline.

Disaster movies have always had a certain appeal to audiences. But they experienced a hey-day in the 1970s with the likes of Towering Inferno, Airport and The Poseidon Adventure. Since then films such as Dante’s Peak, and The Day After Tomorrow and The Core have kept the genre alive. Now, true to form, San Andreas will have audiences shaking in their seats as a swarm of tectonic plate movement destroys everything from the Hoover Dam to the downtowns of Los Angeles and San Francisco.

The story focuses on three groups. Ray (Dwayne Johnson) is a burly rescue-chopper pilot pulled into action after the dam breaks. Then, mid-flight, he gets a call from his estranged wife Emma (Carla Gugino) because she is caught on the top floor of a teetering building in Los Angles. Flying to her location, he snatches Emma from the rooftop just as the structure implodes. Safely inside the hovering helicopter, the pair gets another call. This one is from their daughter Blake (Alexandra Daddario) who is sandwiched between two heavy cement slabs in a parking garage in the core of San Francisco. Turning northward, Ray and Emma set off to find their teen and her two friends, brothers Ollie and Ben (Art Parkinson and Hugo Johnstone-Burt). This young trio tries to make their way to the highest point they can find in the city and send out a signal to Ray.

The third group is a collection of seismologists at Cal Tech who have been developing a computer program to predict earthquakes. Lawrence (Paul Giamatti) is the frumpy, bespectacled professor who heads the project. Yet in spite of the group’s intense efforts even he is gobsmacked by the precision with which the program works when the tremors unleash their power.

Like all good disaster movies, the fun (if you can call it that), is guessing who will be the first to go. Unfortunately rich businessmen are a sure fire target for falling objects. Kids and dogs on the other hand are usually safe. Thanks to special effects, Mother Nature’s acts looks remarkably convincing—though extremely sanitized. There probably isn’t more than a ketchup bottle’s worth of blood effects in this entire movie! Unfortunately the same can’t be said about profanities, which include one strong sexual expletive from an irate mother.

However the lack of blood (except for one gory depiction of glass impaled in a man’s leg) doesn’t mean this production isn’t full of devastation as buildings tumble, explode and rain debris down on people in the street. Characters fall to their deaths, are engulfed in flames and drown in a huge tsunami that floods the city.

It’s tense. It’s chaotic. It’s everything you’d expect from a good old-fashioned disaster movie where thousands may die, but the core group always prevails—thanks to a little ingenuity and a whole lot of perseverance.

Directed by Brad Peyton. Starring Alexandra Daddario, Dwayne Johnson, Carla Gugino . Running time: 114 minutes. Theatrical release May 29, 2015. Updated

San Andreas
Rating & Content Info

Why is San Andreas rated PG-13? San Andreas is rated PG-13 by the MPAA for intense disaster action and mayhem throughout, and brief strong language.

Violence: A character crashes over the side of the road and must be rescued in a daring mission. A man has a spike driven through his foot. People and cars are swept away when a dam breaks causing thousands of implied deaths. A character is crushed after falling into a crack in the road. Characters fall to their deaths. A man is engulfed in flames. Others are crushed or injured by falling debris. A man is squashed under a shipping container. Houses and buildings tumble to the ground sparking fires and explosions. Cars fall off a bridge that breaks. A man holds a gun to another character’s head. Looters are shown stealing televisions. Characters steal vehicles. A man’s leg is impaled with a large shard of glass. Some blood effects are shown. Characters are caught underwater. Some drown. Characters appear to be in a state of shock. A woman is trapped in a vehicle.

Sexual Content: A female character is seen in a bikini. Other shots include some cleavage. A couple kisses. Some mild sexual references are made.

Language: The script contains a strong sexual expletive used in a non-sexual context, as well as scatological slang, cursing and profanities.

Alcohol / Drug Use: None noted.

From the Studio:
After the infamous San Andreas fault finally gives, triggering a magnitude 9 earthquake, in California, a search and rescue helicopter pilot (Dwayne Johnson) and his estranged wife make their way together from Los Angeles to San Francisco to save their only daughter. But their treacherous journey north is only the beginning. And when they think the worst may be over…it’s just getting started.
—Warner Brothers

Page last updated

San Andreas Parents' Guide

More About the Movie:
Learn more about the San Andreas Fault.

Talk about the movie with your family…

It isn’t often that an architect comes to the rescue. How does Ben use his engineering knowledge to solve a problem in this movie? Is it important to see people use their wits and intelligence in a crisis situation? What abilities does Blake have that helps save the group she is with? What kinds of skills might you need in a disaster situation? How can you prepare? Why is Ollie’s San Francisco guidebook more helpful than an online map?

What does this film imply about scientists? Does our society fail to heed warnings from the scientific community? How are cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco preparing for earthquakes? What would be the physical, economic and global fallout of such a huge event?

Why are audiences fascinated with disaster movies? What, if any, entertainment value does this genre have for you?

Home Video

The most recent home video release of San Andreas movie is October 13, 2015. Here are some details…

Home Video Notes: San Andreas
Release Date: 13 October 2015
San Andreas releases to home video (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet or Special Edition DVD + UltraViolet) with the following extras:
- Audio Commentary by Director Brad Peyton
- San Andreas: The Real Fault Line
- Dwayne Johnson to the Rescue
- Scoring the Quake
- Deleted Scenes with optional commentary by Director Brad Peyton
- Gag & Stunt Reels

Related home video titles:

Other disaster movies include The Impossible (based on a real life story of a family caught in a tsunami), The Poseidon Adventure (passengers surviving a shipwreck) and The Day After Tomorrow (a chilling science fiction about humanity facing another ice age).


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